Saturday, January 8, 2011

Celebrating Christmas and New Years

Christmas Eve started with spending part of the afternoon and early evening with the Petersons. We acted out our traditional nativity. Adam was Joseph (who with his cute baby smile made Mary walk while he rode), Becky was Mary, Scott was the grumpy innkeeper, DeNae, Scott's sister, was and is an angel, Dad was the narrator, and I got to play the coveted and sought after role (at least in the Nix Family) of the donkey.
We left Becky, Scott, and Adam and went up to Dan and Betsy's to spend the rest of Christmas eve with them. We enjoyed special pancakes that are part of Betsy's family traditions, the kids got to open presents of new slippers and pjs, and we read Christmas stories before bedtime. They were so excited that it took them awhile to settle down and go to sleep.

Addy and Grandma tending our Babies.
Christmas morning excitement!! We spent the night at Dan and Betsy's and enjoyed watching Addy and Easton discover what Santa had left for them. After breakfast we came home and Dan and Betsy and the kids headed to Vernal to spend the rest of the weekend with Betsy's family.
We enjoyed Christmas afternoon at Matt and Jessica's home where we opened family gifts and had a delicious ham and turkey dinner.

On New Years Eve, we all met at a bowling alley in Bountiful and enjoyed a fun game. It is so fun to watch the kids bowl. They were all so excited and enjoyed the game. After that we went up to Dan and Betsy's house for soup, snacks, yummy drinks, and their famous traditional funnel cakes. We celebrated the New Year a little early so all the kids could get home to bed before it was too late.